Beast Academy

Parent Reporting Overview

Updated on

Your Parent Reports page is where you can view your student's progress and activity.

This guide covers:


About Your Parent Reports Page

Your Parent Reports page gives you a snapshot of the past two weeks of activity as well as the most recent lessons your students have played.

  1. Select Full Report to view details on your student's progress, or Manage Account to make changes to your student's subscription
  2. Select any Date on the calendar to open the Activity Report and view details about what your student did on that day
  3. Select any Lesson icon to open a window that shows all of the problems, student responses, and solutions within that lesson
Screenshot of Parent Reports page.

Reading the Reports

Screenshot of Full Student Report.

The reports help you keep track of student progress.

Stars are the best way to see how your student is doing in BA Online. Students can earn up to 3 stars on each lesson. Earning at least one star means that a student is ready to continue to the next lesson.

A student who earns 1 star is proficient. A student who earns 2 stars is advanced. Earning 3 stars is an expert-level performance.

If you see a lot of blue, your student is doing well. The darker the blue, the stronger the performance.

The monster icon indicates enrichment lessons that go beyond what's typically taught in most classrooms.

A red exclamation point indicates that a student is struggling in a lesson or quit a test. Students should review the instructions, the solutions to problems they missed, and the videos and/or readings linked to the lesson before beginning again.

Find all of the progress icons in the section below.  



Stars are the primary indicator of proficiency in BA Online. Students can earn up to 3 stars in each lesson. One star indicates that a student is proficient and ready to move on, while 3 stars indicates expert-level mastery of a topic.

Trophy problems are offered for some lessons. Trophy problems are intended to challenge students who really want to bend their brains. In order to play a lesson's trophy problem, a student must first earn 3 stars in the lesson.

Problems answered correctly are a good indicator of how much effort a student has put into Beast Academy.

Time is only counted while a student is playing a lesson, reading the online Guide books, or watching an instructional video.


Colors are used to indicate how students have done in lessons and chapters.

3 stars - Expert.

2 stars - Advanced.

1 star - Proficient.

0 stars - Needs Practice.


Alert! The lesson was ended early after a student missed some early questions, or they quit a test. They may need help.

Lesson Progress

3 stars plus a trophy earned.

3 stars, and there is a trophy problem available.

2 stars earned.

1 star earned.

0 stars earned.

In progress. The blue indicates the fraction of problems that have been completed in the lesson.

Alert! The lesson was ended early after a student missed some early questions, or they quit a test. They may need help.

Lessons that have not been started.

Enrichment lessons that have a monster icon can be considered optional. They're great for students who could use an extra challenge or want to learn a new topic.

When viewing your Parent Reports, select any Lesson icon to open a window that shows all of the problems, student responses, and solutions within that lesson.

There are a few navigation tools that will help you get around your Parent Reports page.

Student Avatars

Select a Student Avatar to view their report. To view a snapshot for all of your students on your Parent Reports page, select the icon farthest to the left.

When viewing your student's report, you can look at their progress by level, chapter, or lesson by using the menus below their name.

Screenshot of dropdown menus.


Use the tabs near the top-right to switch views between Progress and Activity.

Screenshot of Progress and Activity tabs.

Student Report Pages

Screenshot of Full Student Report.

Student Report pages allow you to view progress and activity for a single student.

At the top of the report are totals for all of your student's progress in BA Online. Learn more about what these icons stand for in the icons section above.

You can view reports for any level, chapter, lesson, or the Puzzle Lab.

Screenshot of dropdown menus.

You can also do the following:

  1. Navigate by selecting any blue text, including chapter names and dates (which takes you to the Activity Calendar for a student)
  2. Select the Question Mark icon next to any item to view more about it
  3. Select any Lesson icon to open a window that shows all of the problems, student responses, and solutions within that lesson


Click the Progress tab to view reports on student performance.

Level Reports

Screenshot of Full Student Report.


This shows how a student did on their best attempt for every lesson or test in every chapter of a level.


Totals are given for stars, trophies, problems correct, and time.

Screenshot of totals section on the Full Level Report page.

Chapter Reports

Screenshot of student chapter report.


We show up to five attempts on each lesson, with the results given in order from first to last. If a student has played a lesson more than five times, we show the additional number of attempts with a + between the third and the most recent attempt.

For example, the student below was intervened on their first attempt through a lesson, then scored 2 stars, 3 stars, tried four more times, and is partially through their most recent attempt.

Screenshot of sample attempts.

Their best attempt is given in the column to the right.

Students can play through a lesson or take a test any number of times. However, there are three versions of most lessons and two versions of each test, so students will see repeated problems if they play enough times.

Most Recent Play

The date of the most recent play is given. Each circle represents a problem in the lesson.

Means that a student answered correctly on their first try.

Means that a student answered correctly after more than one attempt.

Means that a student tried more than once but did not answer correctly.

(Tests Only) Means that a problem was seen but not answered.


Totals are given for problems correct and time.

Lesson Reports

Screenshot of student lesson report.


Lesson reports show all of the times a student has attempted a lesson from most recent to oldest. Each circle represents a problem in the lesson.

Means that a student answered correctly on their first try.

Means that a student answered correctly after more than one attempt.

Means that a student tried more than once but did not answer correctly.

(Tests Only) Means that a problem was seen but not answered.


Start and end times are given for each lesson. The total time given is time spent solving problems in the lesson.

While our system retains your student's progress, you might still find it helpful to export and print reports of your student's progress to keep for yourself or to share with others. Our website works with your browser to print or save printer-friendly reports.

Screenshot of Full Student Report.


Select the Activity tab to view a calendar that displays when a student has played.

Screenshot of Activity page.

The calendar shows the minutes played for each day. This only includes time spent in Class (playing lessons), Library (reading Guide book sections), Theater (watching instructional videos), Puzzle Lab (solving puzzles), and Beast Builder (building a monster avatar).

Select any Date on the calendar to view a breakdown of time spent in these areas, plus a complete list of lessons played, sections read, videos watched, and puzzles played.

Note that the total in the stars column only counts new stars; ones that weren't earned on a previous attempt.

Note that excessive idle time (elapsed time when no mouse, touch, or keyboard input is detected) is not counted towards these totals.

Select any Lesson to open that lesson report.

Learn more about what the icons on this page stand for in the icons section above.

Previous Guide How to Determine Your Student's Level
Next Guide How to Sign In to Your Parent Account and Access Your Parent Reports Page
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