Beast Academy

Navigating Beast Academy Online

Updated on

Responsive YouTube Video

Please note that the Puzzle Lab design has been updated since the recording of this video.

While Beast Academy Online (BA Online) was created to be intuitive for young learners, you and your student may still find it helpful to explore how our learning content is structured within BA Online.

This guide covers:

The Four Main Areas

The four main areas of BA Online are:

  • The Library, where students can read chapters of the Guide book
  • The Class, where students can practice math by solving problems and puzzles in the lessons and tests
  • The Theater, where students can watch videos about the topics in their lessons
  • The Puzzle Lab, where students can solve fun puzzles to practice their problem-solving skills

In BA Online, students have three tools for navigation:

Home Screen

Each time your student signs in to BA Online, they'll be taken directly to the home screen. From there:

  1. They can visit the Library, Class, Theater, and Puzzle Lab by selecting the button below each of their buildings
  2. They can also move around by using the Play List on the top left of the page
  3. They can go back to the home screen at any time by clicking the BA Home icon in the navigation bar at the top of the window
  4. To sign out of BA Online, your student will hover over their name on the navigation bar and select Sign Out
Screenshot of the Beast Academy Online home screen.

The navigation bar is always at the top of the window. It includes the following buttons:

Home: Takes students back to the home screen.

Class: Takes students to the Class to practice math.

Library: Takes students to the Library to read from the Beast Academy Guide books.

Theater: Takes students to the Theater to watch videos about new topics.

Leaderboard: Shows the students who earned the most Experience Points (XP) in the given time period.

Help: Gives students tips about the page that they are on.

Settings: Lets students adjust sounds, music, and other tools.

Profile: Shows students information about their BA Online progress.

Screenshot of the Beast Academy Online navigation bar.

Play List

The Play List is an ordered list of all the readings, lessons, and videos in your student's current chapter. Readings and lessons that your student has completed have a yellow icon and the ones they can play next have a gray one.

Students can select any reading, video, or lesson to jump straight there. (If a lesson is locked, they won't be able to open it.)

The Play List tab is always at the top left of student's windows. They can select it to open it.

To close the Play List tab, they can just select outside of it.

Screenshot of the Beast Academy Online Play List tab.

Below is what the expanded Play List looks like:

Screenshot of the expanded Beast Academy Online Play List.

Enrichment Lessons

Enrichment lessons are found in the class, upstairs. These lessons go beyond what's typically taught in most classrooms and may be considered optional. They're great for students who could use an extra challenge or want to learn a new topic.

Enrichment lessons aren't included in Part 1 of each chapter test but may be included in Part 2.

Students can access the enrichment lessons by selecting any unlocked Upstairs icon.

Screenshot of the Class, showing the Upstairs icon.

When they've completed the enrichment lesson, students can return to the main floor by selecting any unlocked Downstairs icon.

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