Beast Academy

Class Overview

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Class, also referred to as the Classroom, is where students go in Beast Academy Online (BA Online) to progress through the lessons in each chapter and earn stars and trophies.

This guide covers:

Screenshot of the Class.

How Class is Structured

  1. Levels: There are five levels in Beast Academy math curriculum (BA Online and in books)
  2. Chapters: Each BA Online level has 12 chapters
  3. Lessons: Each chapter in BA Online has roughly 16 – 17 lessons
  4. Tests: Each chapter in BA Online has one test and each test has roughly 16 – 20 questions
  5. Problems: Each lesson in BA Online has roughly 5 – 12 problems. There are three possible sets of problems per lesson. This means that your student can retake the lesson three times and see new problems each time

Class Icons

Locked: A locked lesson can't be played yet. Your student will have to earn stars on previous lessons to unlock it.

Unlocked Lesson: This is an unlocked, available lesson with no progress.

Partial Progress: As your student makes progress on a lesson, the outer ring will turn gold.

Completed Lesson: A check mark indicates a completed lesson.

Stars: The number of stars in your student's completed lesson shows how many stars they've earned on their best attempt.

Enrichment: Lessons with a monster icon go beyond what is typically taught in most classrooms. These are great for when your student needs a challenge or wants to learn a new topic.

Upstairs: Non-core enrichment lessons.

Downstairs: Return to the main floor of the classroom.

Available Trophy Problem: In some lessons, your student can uncover a special bonus trophy problem by earning three stars.

Trophy: Students can win trophies by finishing trophy problems.

Find My Avatar: If students lose their avatar in the hallway, selecting this will make it jump! This button is found in the bottom right corner of the hallway.

Test: A test can be found at the end of each chapter.

Class Navigation

To Get to Class

There are two ways to get to Class from the home screen:

  1. Select the Class icon from the navigation bar
  2. Select the Class button in front of the Class building
Screenshot of the home screen.
Screenshot of the Class.

Once they're on the Class page, your student can jump to different chapters using these icons:

Previous Chapter: The button at the beginning of the hallway takes students to the previous chapter.

Next Chapter: The button at the end of the hallway takes students to the next chapter (they may need to scroll the bar at the bottom to the far right).

View All Chapters: Students can select this at the top of the window to jump to a different chapter in any level of BA Online.


The lessons are where students practice math in a specific topic to earn stars and trophies.

Tools within the lesson tell students about their progress, help them jump to other areas, and let them make notes as they solve problems.

In some problems, students may see a keyboard at the bottom of the lesson window. They can use this keyboard to type, or they can use the keyboard on their computer. Some lessons don't require a keyboard at all.

Tip: If your student would like instructions or problems read aloud to them, they can select the Sound icon, located in the top right corner of the instructions or problem panel. Available for Levels 1-3.

Screenshot of a problem within a lesson.

Lesson Instructions

Every lesson begins with instructions. Your student can re-open instructions that they have closed by selecting the Information icon on the right side of the lesson window.

Lesson Progress

As your student works through a lesson, the progress bar at the top of the window shows them how many stars they're earning.

Students can earn up to three stars in a lesson. Most lessons have three different problem sets, so they can play a lesson multiple times without repeating problems.

Every lesson has a lesson title under the progress bar.

Screenshot of the progress bar.

Selecting the below icons to the left and right of the lesson title will help your student navigate as follows:

Return to the hallway to access other lessons.

Watch linked videos. (If there are no linked videos for your lesson, this button will not appear.)

Read the most relevant guide book section for any lesson.

Your student can switch between problems by selecting the circles under the lesson title. The larger circle is the problem they're currently playing.

Locked: Your student hasn't unlocked this problem yet. They'll have to answer previous problems correctly to unlock it.

Unanswered: Your student has not answered this problem yet.

Correct: Your student has answered this problem correctly!

In Progress: Your student's first answer was incorrect, but they can try again.

Incorrect: All the answers your student entered for this problem were incorrect.

Lesson Drawing Tools

There are optional drawing tools on the left side of the lesson window. Here's how the drawing tools work:

Select the Pencil to start drawing. Select the Pencil again to stop drawing.

Select the Eraser to start erasing your pencil marks. Select the Eraser again to stop erasing.

Tip: The notes that your student makes with the drawing tools won't count as part of their final answer.


Tests are available for every chapter in BA Online.

Every chapter test has two parts:

  1. Part 1: Covers the essential concepts and skills learned over the course of the chapter. Students who do well on Part 1 earn a star and unlock Part 2
  2. Part 2: Has fewer, more difficult problems and isn't required but offers an opportunity for students to apply their understanding and earn up to two additional stars

Unlocking Tests

Students must earn at least one star on all but two of the downstairs lessons in a chapter to unlock the chapter test.

There are two ways to override this requirement:

Taking Tests

To take a test students will need to:
  • Scroll to the very end of the hallway and select the Test icon.

  • Or, select the Class icon at the end of the chapter in the Play List.

Once a student starts a test, all other sections of BA Online will be locked until the student submits or quits the test. Therefore, students shouldn't begin a test until they're ready.

Tests work differently from lessons in several important ways:

  • Students don't get second chances when they miss problems
  • Students can skip around and answer questions in any order
  • Students save their answers and can edit them as needed before submitting all of the questions in each part. Problem circles for problems that have saved answers are yellow
Screenshot of saved answers.

Submitting Test Answers

To submit either part of the test, view the Summary screen by selecting the Summary button or the Headmaster icon. In Part 1, students must have a minimum number of answers saved to submit. There is no minimum number of answers needed to submit Part 2.

Quitting or Exiting Tests

To exit a test without completing it, students must quit the test. If students quit a test, they must wait at least 24 hours to attempt the test again. Alternatively, you can manually unlock a test from your Parent Account. To quit a test, students will need to visit the test summary screen and select Quit Test.

Retaking a Test

There are two versions of every test. If a student quits a test or does not earn a star on their first attempt, they must wait at least 24 hours to take the test again. This gives them the chance to review lessons. You can override this 24-hour period by selecting one of the unlocking options from above.

Reviewing a Test

Note: Students can't see questions and solutions on a test they have quit.

After submitting a test, students see how many stars they earned, which problems they missed, and can review their submitted answers and full solutions to each problem. They can review their most recent test at any time by selecting the Star icon on the test.

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