Monthly and Yearly Subscriptions to Beast Academy Online (BA Online) are set to auto-renew at the end of their billing cycle. While we offer a 14-day cancellation period for refunds on eligible Monthly and Yearly Subscriptions, you can turn off auto-renew at any time. Turning off auto-renew won't generate a refund on your student's subscription. However, turning off auto-renew will turn your student's next renewal date into an expiration date. Once the expiration date has passed, your student's subscription will be deactivated and your payment method won't be charged a renewal fee for this subscription.
This guide covers how to turn off auto-renew for your Monthly or Yearly BA Online subscription(s).
- Before turning off auto-renew, ensure that the subscription is not still within the 14-day cancellation and refund period.
- If it is, you can cancel for a refund.
- Bundles don't auto-renew and have a different cancellation process.
- Student progress will be saved and accessible again if you activate your student's subscription.
- For information on all BA Online subscription cancellation methods and processes, refer to our subscription and order cancellation overview.
To cancel before your next auto-renewal payment, you'll need to turn off auto-renew before your subscription's renewal date. If you cancel by turning off auto-renew, your student will be able to continue using their BA Online subscription until the end of the subscription's current billing period.
1. Access Parent Account Page
2. Turn Auto-Renew Off
On your Parent Account page:
- Locate the student whose subscription you'd like to cancel.
- In the student's subscription settings, select the Auto-Renew toggle so that it displays "off" instead of "on."
Tip: If you see a Cancel / Refund link underneath your subscription auto-renew date, that means that your subscription is within the 14-day cancellation period and is eligible for a refund. Canceling for a refund within the 14-day cancellation period will remove your student's access immediately.
3. Select Okay
The Cancellation Confirmation dialog box will pop up. Select Okay.
Once auto-renewal has been turned off, your student's subscription will remain on your Parent Account page and will display the future expiration date.
Once your student's expiration date passes:
- Their subscription will be listed as Inactive on your Parent Account page.
- If you'd like, you can choose to activate their subscription by selecting Activate.